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20% Off at Lowe's and Home Depot

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Friday, 6 June 2014 | 19:42

Friday, 6 June 2014

Like most people, we go to Lowe's and Home Depot to buy everything we needed for project around the house.  The past year we have done several projects big projects which cost quite a bit.  Here's some of the projects we've done recently. Fami
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Folding Tool Box - Nail Gun Case

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Saturday, 31 May 2014 | 16:25

Saturday, 31 May 2014

 After buying a lot more tools recently I realized that i'll needed something to carry them in.   At a couple job sites I saw guys that had cloth or canvas tool bags.  These have replaces the old heavy steel tool boxes that have been
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California Vacation - Legoland - Ocean

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Monday, 19 May 2014 | 19:38

Monday, 19 May 2014

A couple of weeks ago Karrie and I flew to San Diego to visit Kristina, Kyla and LaRoun.  They live in Chula Vista.  When we checked for things to do in the area, Legoland kept coming up as a popular place.  So we got tickets to the park.&
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Wood Tool Box

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Saturday, 17 May 2014 | 15:13

Saturday, 17 May 2014

I've always wanted to build a simple wood tool box but i never got around to it, until now.  The look that i had in mind was one of those hundred year old tool boxes sitting in the back corner of an old barn.  The type of tool box that's been u
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