1st Time in New York

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Sunday, 28 June 2009 | 12:29

This time surveying out of time we were sent to New York. I've never been in the state of New York and so far it's been great. Yesterday we surveyed the Elmira Regional Airport. It was great being able to walk across the runways after getting permission from the flight controller over the CB and being only a few hundred feet from the planes landing. Also this time surveying was a little different then what i've done before. Instead of walking along the roads, now i get to walk through farmers fields, swamps and woods.

Other then the airport, i had the most fun walking through horse corrals. It was a little scary at first but after a while the would just follow me around. The lady that worked there said we could go for a ride some time. I'm hoping we get a day off soon.

Here's a little of what i've seen so far. I'll be sure to post some more pictures when i get back.
buzzing the tower, Top Gun style

petting hoarse in new york, blonde hair, curious horse
curious horses

horse with weird blue eye, close upa little too curious, with a weird eye

funny church, jesus sign, come to methe greatest jesus sign ever

standing in a swamp, cattailsa bored while standing in the middle of the swamp, with water almost up to my knees

Next week we'll be heading to Scranton Pennsylvania. I hope that i can get time to walk around and see some of the places in the opening credits of The Office.

If everything goes well, i'll be home by the 4th of July. Otherwise it looks like i'll be watching fireworks in Scranton.

see ya

Ok i just found this.... I was uploading the pictures onto the Comfort Inn hotels lobby computer and came across this picture that was saved in the My Pictures folder. I don't know what it is, or why it is on there but it's hilarious. Just some dude hanging out on his couch, with his cat, in front of his extensive VHS collection. I just know that this is the picture that comes up when you find this guy on some online dating service...
funny picture found on hotel computer, fat guy with cat
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