
Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Thursday, 16 July 2009 | 12:01

My original bamboo i got in Kentucky but these pictures were taken in West Virginia.

On two of the trips i took for work, i went to the southern part of Kentucky. While down there i noticed bamboo trees growing by the rivers. So on the last days of e
ach trip i dug a few small trees up and brought them back home. The first ones i brought back died, but since they don't have seeds like other trees, new shoots came up from the dead tree roots. The biggest trees i saw in Kentucky were around 40 feet high and 3" around.

bamboo grove in west virginia, yellow grove bamboohow to transplant bamboo, bamboo tree, grasshuge bamboo tree in west virginia, 2 inch trunk, forest

The ones in my back yard aren't quite 40' high yet. Hopefully they make it through the winter.transplant bamboo plant, how to, diy, garden, tree

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