California Rolls

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Thursday, 27 August 2009 | 09:48

If i'm not working out of town, then there's a good chance that i'm sitting at home being bored. So the other day i decided to make california rolls for lunch. I had made them twice before and they came out pretty well. They tasted the same anyway and were actually easy to make. Here's what you need:

Sticky sushi rice
Nori - that's the dried seaweed sheets
Crab legs
and i added Mustard this time too but i probably won't in the future
Soy sauce for dipping

and something to roll everything up, you're supposed to use a bamboo mat but i didn't have that so i just wrapped a heavy cloth placemat with saran wrap

First make the sticky sushi rice. It's important that you boil out all of the liquid or else when you're spreading the rice it gets mushy. Then let it cool for a few hours. It seemed like around 1 cup of dried rice was enough for one roll.
how to make california rolls, ingredients, pictures, steps
Cut up the avocado and cucumber into stripshow to make sushi, rolls, california rolls, cut avacado, crab, rice
Wet the nori down a little then spread out the rice on one side. By the end your hands will be covered in the sticky rice.
california rolls, spread sticky rice, nori, seaweed
Now flip it over and add everything in a row.
how to roll california rolls, roll in rice, seaweed, nori, crab, cucumber
Use the mat to roll everything up as tight as possible, so that it doesn't fall apart when you try to eat it.

how to cut a california roll, eat, soy sauce
Wet your knife down and cut it in half.
make california rolls, sushi, cut roll, rice, crab, make at home, delicious
I usually get about eight 1" thick pieces. Including the ends which always come out crappy looking. I don't think i'm rolling the ends right or something.
homemade california rolls, make at home, sushi, cheap
Here's what they look like.whats in a california roll, ingredients, sushi
and here's what's in themwhat is in a california roll, diagram, ingredients, crab, avocado, rice, nori, cucumber
Like i said they are actually pretty easy to make and tasted just as good at the $10 california rolls you buy at the restaurant.
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