More Baseball...Less Haircuts

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Monday, 28 September 2009 | 08:31

While cleaning out some boxes from the basement i found some old pictures of when i was little.

There is a theme to all of these pictures:
# 1 is that i loved baseball.
# 2 is that i hated getting haircuts...i still do.

So this is me playing t-ball at Bulman Elementary.
tball at bulman elementary, pitcher, grounder
I mean come on, what's not to love about this? I'm happy, i got my mitt, i'm on my electric police trike and i'm wearing the shortest short shorts you've ever seen. Just lovin' life.
riding on police trike, with baseball mit and short shorts
This year i was apparently really fired up for Halloween. Things to notice: the awesome green carpet, the actual karate kid headband and the MSU football in the background. There's no doubt that i scored some serious candy that night.
karate pajamas, trick or treating, karate kid headband
Baseball again at Bulman. And ya that's my dad running along side me. He always used to help coach in baseball and hockey. I'm pretty sure those were my gray Kangaroo velcro shoes with the zipper pocket on the dad and i playing baseball, bulman elementary, tball
Blank tag...yep my first day of school. You can tell how happy i was to go and to have my picture taken.first day of school
More t-ball in the backyard. I like the look of the huge patch on the one knee.playing baseball in the backyard, tball, yellow bat,
And here you go people, my 3rd birthday. Han Solo, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, R2D2 and yes even Lando Calrissian. Apparently i was too busy playing with my Star Wars toys to go get a haircut, but look how happy i was.
star wars birthday cake, 1983, haircut, han solo, luke skywalker, r2d2, lando calrissian
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