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Pennsylvania - October

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Tuesday, 20 October 2009 | 05:34

I got home from another work trip to Pennsylvania. I was told i would be gone around 4 or 5 days...i was gone for 10 days. It started with the usual 24 hour notice, we left Michigan around 6pm and didn't arrive at the hotel until 2am. Then the first day working we had the boxes for our GPS equipment stolen by a little old lady. We set it up in the right of way in a field in front of her house. After talking with her and telling her that if they find natural gas or oil on her property she might be getting paid thousands of dollars per month, she gave us back our boxes.

Also we had 2 run-ins with the cops. Once because a man didn't want anyone on his property. He didn't own the mineral rights and after a little talk everything was ok. The second time was when we got back to our motel. I don't know what the guy did but he got a ticket and they towed away his car.

For the first part of the trip we were working just east of downtown Pittsburgh and on one day that it rained we actually went downtown to look around and have dinner. It was great. We saw the city then walked along Carson street which reminded me of Wrigleyville in downtown Chicago. That street had tons of cool little stores and bars.

The second part of the trip was in Lock Haven, PA. There's not a whole lot there and out of the 3 restaurants, only 1 was open past 8pm. For this part of the trip we had to survey up in the mountains which was really cool. The bad thing is that the GPS doesn't work well up there and then it started raining and snowing. One day actually set a record low for the high temperature, the high was 38 degrees. I hadn't really planed on it snowing so i basically wore every piece of clothing i brought. The fall tree color was great but after 10 days in the wet snow we were all ready to come home.

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