Arizona to Michigan

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Monday, 9 November 2009 | 11:25

Well i'm getting ready to drive with my friend John to Arizona. We're planning on stopping at a few places on the way down there. First stop is at the Louisville Slugger factory to have bats made with our names on them. For some reason i feel like this is going to be the absolute best part of the entire trip. Forget sunset views, national landmarks...i'm excited about a customized wood bat. Next we'll be headed to Nashville to see a concert at the Grand Ole Opry, Carrie Underwood i think. Then driving to Dallas to visit our friend Josh. Then it's off to Arizona.

I've been getting ready for the past several weeks. Se
tting up the tent in the living room, planning my route and getting the bike ready. It should be around 2,400 miles, taking around 15 to 20 days. Starting in Phoenix, then to Globe, then camp in the Petrified Forest, El Malpais National Forest... I'm going to try and do a lot of camping at national and state parks but who knows. After 200 miles of riding a day i might wuss out and stay in some motels.

White board organization
motorcycle plan, take, equipment, cross country ride, USA, US
2600 miles on a honda motorcycle, across us
All the stuff i'm taking
motorcycle ride, trip, gear, on the bike
Final bike prep and cleaning
motorcycle prep, cleaning, maintenance, honda CB500
Practicing loading the bike up
practice loading the motorcycle, cross country trip, honda 1972
Setting up the tent with the dogs
setting up tent in living room, practice camping
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