Everyone online says to put the record on a bowl in the oven at 200 degrees for 5 minutes. I didn't find it to be that exactly. It depends on the record's thickness and if you're using a glass bowl that's already hot or not. I found that 7 or 10 minutes is sometimes needed for the thicker records. The good part is that if you screw up and make a bad one, you can always reheat it and try again. Because it is tough, you only have around 5-10 seconds to really get the shape you want, after removing it from the oven.
You need oven mitts for the pans but the record itself cools down pretty quickly. The ones i liked the most were made when i wedged them between two bowls. It gave it a tighter more defined shape.
Or you can do it freehand and it gives it a more natural shape.
Out of the 20 i made i only thought maybe 5 turned out ok. Here's some of the better ones.
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