LV - AZ - LA - CO

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Tuesday, 11 May 2010 | 08:31

Well i just got back from my almost 3 weeks of being on vacation. I don't really feel like typing out everything that happened so i'll just do a quick outline:

Las Vegas

  • Walked up and down the strip several times and had a great time
  • Went to the ACMA's, got to be seat fillers and part of Taylor Swift's song
  • Went to an outdoor concert on Freemont street
  • Stopped at the Grand Canyon on the drive to Arizona
grand canyon, arizona, north rim, color rocks, river
arizona lizzard on a rock, desert

  • Went to Sedona National Park
  • Went hiking several days in Globe Arizona, somewhere between 4,000 and 8,000 ft
saguaro cactus, arizona, moon
saguaro cactus, arizona, desert
cell phone tower, mountain top, arizona
globe arizona, mountains
sedona arizona, red rocks, plateau, hike
sedona arizona landscape, mountains, wealthy

Los Angeles
  • Went to an Dodgers game
  • Got to be on the Price is Right show (airs May 27th)
  • Went to Universal Studio
LA Dodgers Stadium, left field bleachers, baseball game
Hollywood sign, where to find it, how to get there
universal studio globe, california, hollywood

  • Went to Garden of the Gods, which is at the base of the Rocky's near Pikes Peak
  • Went to the Sugarland concert
garden of the gods, colorado, rocky mountains
garden of the gods, colorado, boulder

I guess some other things happened too, like being stopped by the police in Kansas. Apparently they thought we were drug traffickers, going from Arizona to Detroit. Luckily we were able to outsmarted them and get away.

That's about it.
lonley road, dog, walk, dirt road
kansas state police, highway, stop, check vehicle

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