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Redford Memorial Day Parade - 2010

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Thursday, 27 May 2010 | 05:36

This may be the longest blog post to date, but i can guarantee it is going to be one of the best.

Now if you know the story, I get to drive the car in the Redford Memorial Day Parade, while my parents hand out candy.

In 2006, the first year, i brought my camera with me but only took one picture. It was this.
redford memorial day parade, peopleMy friend Ryan and his dad pointing to the camera.

Since that time i have taken more pictures, of people i see along the route. All of this while driving the car.

Every year i think that there is no way it will be as good as last year and every time the people of Redford prove me wrong.

You saw Ryan and his dad in 2006.
So here's 2007, still pointing.
redford memorial day parade, people, michigan, detroit
2008, a disappointed no pointsit for the memorial day parade, american flag
2009, back on track
where to watch the memorial day parade
and now 2010
being at the redford memorial day parade, michiganRyan's dad didn't disappoint this time. Went back to the Classic Point.

Donutown ladies 2007
fat women watching the parade

2 fat women in lawn chairs, redford memorial day paradefat people at parades, love, lawn chairs, candy

fat people love candy, donutown, redford, parade
filming the parade, memorial day parade, michigan
lawn chair about to break, fat woman
3 fat women in a van, at the memorial day parade, redford, townshipI hate it say it but it appears that in 2010 they are too fat or too lazy to get out of the minivan. In 2009 i wrote in an email

If you look closely at the pictures you can see that the lawn chairs are the same. It's freaking amazing that they can stand up to that kind of weight for more then 2 years."

Well apparently the chairs didn't last till year 3.
But the blue stretch pants are holding up strong.

Licking Kid
redford township, michigan, memorial day parade
people at the parade, getting candy, flag
filming, pictures of the parade, from the sidewalk, people Near the end of the parade i looked over and was amazed at what i saw. The kid and his dad. And then i almost crapped my pants when i saw that he was still holding ... and licking that yellow ring.

Mr. Mustachio and his little buddy in the blue
waiting to see the parade, floats, band
redneck parade,
Hippie version
hippie watching the parade, redford township, memorial day
short and high black socks, paradeStill going with the socks and shorts.
la dee freakin da shirt, parade, watchAnd yes, his shirt says "LA DEE - FREAKIN' DA"

And now the award for the Oldest Cop in Redford
2008 Winner
the oldest policeman ever, oldest cop
2009 He went Back-2-Back
oldest cop in redford, michigan
2010 BACK-2-BACK-2-BACK - Three Peat Winner
police man likes candy, old cop, paradeIn 2009 i wrote
"Same white T-shirt, but decided to show some style with the sunglasses. He celebrates the win with a tootsie roll from my dad. You can't get treats like that at the retirement home. And yes he is the favorite to three-peat next year."

Did i call that or what. So i'm calling my shot again and saying there's no reason why we won't see him in the winners circle again in 2011.
Can you say Four-Peat?

Redford's Fattest Man
2008 redford township, michigan, fattest man award
2009 - The White Whale
 fattest man award, michigan, the white whale
For 2010 this award has been renamed "Mr. Big Mac"

And therefore this years winner of Mr. Big Mac 2010 is...The Hamburgler
the fattest man, hamburgler, getting parade candyDo you see a theme here? The fat guys have kids run after the candy then they eat it.

Rodney and Jimmy
For any non-redford people, Rodney and Jimmy are best friends and attend every Redford Union High School function
rodney, redford township michigan
jimmy, redford township michigan
rodney, dimaggio bakery, redford township michigan
ru, redford union high school, redford township, michigan
ru, redford union high school, redford township, michiganI looked hard but didn't see Rodney this year. But jimmy was there with his RU hat and new camera.

Mrs. Cannizzaro
She was my 3rd grade teacher at Bulman Elementary
bulman teachers, elementary school, parade
cannizzaro, bulman teachers, elementary school, parade
cannizzaro, bulman teachers, elementary school, parade

Lonely Guy
2008 - red shirt
lonely guy at the parade, memorial day parade
2009 - purple shirt
lonely guy at the parade, redford memorial day parade
guy alone at parade, lawn chair, funnyNavy blue shirt and switched over to khaki shorts. I imagine that if anyone tries to sit by him he say "Get outa' here. This is my spot!"

This is the family who sits by the Rouge River every year
angry parade watchers
watching the parade, funny, candy
people who go to paradesIt is insane how similar they dressed when compared to 2008. She is wearing EXACTLY the same thing. Where as he added sun glasses and new black Velcro shoes.
eatle t shirt, american flag, parade
In 2009 these two tied for the award of Best Haircrazy hair award
orange fro hair, woman
Apparently in 2010 she felt that her curl-fro was good enough to win again... it wasn't.
curly orange fro hair, woman
because in 2010 these two guys tied.
jerry curl hair, bald
worst hair cut ever
Coolest Guy
coolest minister everPreacher pimp

2010coolest old guy ever, caneJust bought a new Chevy, so he pulled into the handicapped parking space and chilled.

Most Disappointed
2009 it went to this family
most disappointed family award
most disappointed person, parade

Saddest Dog
saddest dog, dressed up, painted nailsYou might say, ya she dressed her dog up in a red polka-dot dress. But if you look closely you can see that she also painted the dogs nails red to match hers. That's just sad.

Biker guy with bottle cozie
biker guy with bottle cozie
2010 with his family
biker guy with bottle cozie, family, old, long hairWith the same beer cozie

Worst Mom Award
worst mom awardMom on the phone while the son celebrates getting candy for dinner

worst mom award, smoking with kidsSmoking in front of her kid before heading out to the bar

Best Celebration
best celebration, fat womanThis picture sums the whole thing up. As far as i'm concerned, this is the greatest picture i've ever taken at the Redford parade.

Another tie
happy for candy, parade
pimp cup, fat person dance, in lawn chairAnd notice the guy's Parade Pimp Cup.

Someone should tell this guy that his baby missing.
father and missing baby, worst dad award

He's wearing his candy grabbing helmet.
kids wearing safety helmets

Monkey harness so he doesn't get run over by the band.
monkey harness for kids, tail, backpack

Feel free to write your own caption for these 3:
show arm tattoo
fat moms, and babys
happy, funny fat old guy

Shirtless Guy
shirtless parade guy
topless long hair at paradeYup, still shirtless. Looks like he decided to wear jeans instead of shorts this year. But the dog's still having fun. And it looks like this year his daughter is wearing the red, white and blue lei.

Well that's it until 2011.parade flag waving
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