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Camping in the Manistee National Forest

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Thursday, 12 August 2010 | 04:50

I went last weekend with my brother in law John who's walked the trail before. There were lots of other hikers, canoers and views of the river from high up.manistee river canoe, manistee national forest, camping
typical trail in the manistee forest, national park
we arrived at the trail at 6pm
, hiked 5 miles then camped around 8pm
camping tent in michigan, manistee forest
we had all day to hike 15 miles, stopping for lunch and to fish in the river.
around 2am it started pouring with rain and there was tons of thunder and lightning
it's hard to tell here but it rained so hard that my pack got a little wet, but was fine in the morning.
rain water coming into our tent at night, thunderstorm, camping
woke up a bit sore
but walked 5 more miles back to the car .
hiking the trail, manistee forest, michigan
Typical part of the trail along one of the hills
steep trail hike, manistee forest, southern michigan, 15 mile
river crossing on the trail, hiking trail, michigan
river crossing on the trail, manistee forest hiking trail, michigan
cedar creek trail, manistee forest, path, trail, river
Panorama views (click to enlarge)
panorama view, manistee river, southern michigan
panorama picture, manistee river, national forest
wide river view of the manistee national forest and river
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