Kitchen Counter

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Thursday, 12 August 2010 | 09:57

I was thinking about building a counter between my kitchen and living room. To see how it would look and if i would like it i tried it out an old counter on some milk crates.
kitchen counter test, measure for size
Then before i went camping i went with my sister to the Haworth outlet/reject store and got a counter top for $9
. The store is really cool, the kind of place where you never know what you'll find. And everything's super cheap.

I traced the wall shape onto a piece of cardboard, copied it onto the counter and then cut it out.
cutting out a kitchen counter, bar, island
I mounted the counter, which is really heavy, to the wall using some metal brackets. Then
made the leg and foot rest from PVC pipe. I'm still debating whether i'll keep it. If i do i'll paint the PVC some kind of brown color.
wood and PVC island counter, bar top
wood and PVC island counter, bar top, how to make
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