
Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Thursday, 9 September 2010 | 13:17

Only a small rusted exhaust came with the mower motor. It's really loud and might anger neighbors, so i tried making a new, quieter one.
old rusted riding mower exhaust, snapper lawn mower
There's many types of exhaust styles. There are high-tech noise cancellation mufflers, but the one i chose, which was also the simplest to make was just a straight baffled design. That's where the inner pipe is drilled out and insulation is wrapped between that and the outer shell.

Here's an example of the basic ideas i tried to follow inside of muffler, exhaust, cut away how a muffler works, exhaust
After removing the old exhaust i connected steel plumbing pipes.
diy, make a muffler, connection tubes, pipes
Here's what the inner pipe looked like after i drilled out the holesmuffler port holes, drill, sound
Then wrapped it with steel wool and fiber glass
wrap exhaust with fiberglass, dampen sound
Here it is on the mower. I'm still working on it because it's still pretty loud.homemade exhaust, muffler, riding mower

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