I made an ND filter for my camera from a piece of welding glass, but when i took pictures of the rivers and Laural Falls i forgot to set my camera to RAW. That means that i had to spend a long time in Photoshop and the pictures still never turned out very good, the colors were all off.
So i walked along Lake Erie and took around 25 pictures. The exposure times ranged between 4 and 15 seconds. I couldn't really tell by looking at my camera how well they turned out because with the welders glass they all had a green tint to them. Here's what they looked like directly out of the camera.

But when i got home and processed them with Photoshop i was really happy. This time they turned out much better.

This one i converted to black and white.

Here is just a normal photo i took with the ND filter not on.
The ND filter allows you to open the lens for a much longer time then you would normally be able to, creating a glassy effect on the water.

This picture is definitely my favorite.

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