Twin Beds

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Wednesday, 22 February 2012 | 04:51

Karrie's dad was looking for two twin bed frames for his daughters. Wal-Mart had bed frames for around $80 each and even at the Salvation Army, steel frames were $40. So i said i could probably make two beds.

I sketched up some idea, trying to keep things as simple as possible. Then Karrie and i went to Home Depot and bought all the wood. The total cost was $78.

I quickly drew this on Google Sketch-Up. Just to get an idea of what it would look like. Google Sketch-up Wood Bed Twin Simple
Then i drew the final design on AutoCAD, which i like because it's the best way to realize problems before you start making anything. It also helps a lot to make quick changes and get the right dimensions. Here's a screen shot of my plan.
AutoCAD Bed Plans with Dimensions
AutoCAD Bed Plans wood twin bed
Here's all of the pieces cut out and the headboards dry fit together.
Wood Bed Headboard with Dowels Make
Everything cut, routed and sanded

Wood Bed Pine Parts Materials
Gluing the legs to the headboard and baseboard.

Wood Bed Pieces being Glued Headboard
Here are a couple of time lapse video's of me working on the bed.

This is drilling the 3/4" holes for the head board dowels.

Here is everything sanded, glued and bolted together ready for
stain.Assembled Wood Bed Make
How to make a Wood Bed Frame
Karrie helped me with the two coats of polyurethane and the sanding in between.

Plans for making a wood bed frame
Also we figured that the center 1x3 probably wouldn't be strong enough, so i replaced it with a 2x4. Then Karrie bought some colored letters and things from the dollar store for the headboard, which made it very "girly".
Decorated Headboard for homemade wood bed
Great success.
Finished making wood beds
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