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End of an Era - No More Ball Pit

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Monday 5 March 2012 | 10:59

I've had the ball pit in my living room for many years now. The pool finally popped a hole in it and it's been long past due for me to take it down.

I guess i'll have to get real furniture and read books in a chair like a grown-up now.

Emptying out the pool. Luckily i kept all of the square plastic bags the balls came in.
2500 Ball Pit Balls
10 bags with 250 balls in each bag = 2,500 balls. Apparently Toys-R-Us still sells these bags, maybe i can try to return them.Toys R Us Balls
Katie, Jack and i in the pool when it was by the window.
Ball Pit
Ball Pool
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