Game of Thrones - Season 2

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Sunday, 25 March 2012 | 07:19

April 1st is the start of the second season of Game of Thrones on HBO.

If you don't have HBO you can always watch the show online for free at Project-Free-TV, or one of the other free online TV show sites i wrote about earlier.
Game of Thrones Season 2 HBO
The Game of Thrones series is set in a medieval time where different powerful families fight over who will have the power. There are lots of great characters and story lines that tie everything together.

My favorite character is Tyrion Lannister, played by Peter Dinklage. Last year he won the Emmy and Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor. He plays a character that cannot physically overpower anyone, so he has to outsmart his enemy's and sometimes even his own family.
Game of Thrones tyrion lannister peter dinklage

The show is great, but in the final episode of season 1 i got upset. They killed off their lead character, Eddard Stark, played by Sean Bean. He was also in Lord of the Rings. There's not a lot of TV shows that would kill off their main character in the first season.
Game of Thrones eddard stark sean bean

The show is based on a series of books, the first book was written more than 20 years ago.
Game of Thrones sword fighting

Through all the different characters and story lines, there are several people you like, hate and can relate to.
Game of Thrones brothers

Here is the Game of Thrones trailer for season 2.

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