Random Pictures from 2010

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Thursday, 12 August 2010 | 09:59

I didn't feel like creating separate post for all of these so i just put them all together. They are some of the random things i've done in the past few months.

This was a smoke stack at one of the GM plants i visited last month. It was either in Dallas or Kansas City, i can't remember.
GM plant, smoke tower, walkway
Waiting to fly home in the rain.
sitting in a plane, in the rain, engine sitting in a plane, in the rain, on the window
Truck frames at one of the GM assembly plants.
GM assembly plant, truck frame
Good luck guessing what book this is. Although if you know me you probably have a good chance at guessing it. Katie will probably know since it's her book that i borrowed.
reading harry potter on the floor, in the sunlight reading harry potter on the floor, in the sunlight
Unfortunately some animal has been eating the tops of almost all my sunflowers. I started with 20 and i'm down to 4. It is not going to end happily for one of us.
garden sunflower, tomato vines
Tigers game tigers stadium from centerfield, lights
Fireworks afterwords
tiger stadium fireworks at night games, premium game
Washing the cars and watering the driveway
jack watering the driveway, washing cars
Somebody's cookin' chicken
cooking chicken on the grill, backyard BBQ
Grandma and Jack
grandma and great grandson
Some pictures from the Toledo Zoo.
toledo zoo polar bears playing in the water toledo zoo jellyfish, purple toledo zoo jellyfish, purple toledo zoo elephants
No those weren't my footprints, honest.
wet cement, concrete footprints
This lady didn't see that part of the road was missing. She was too focused on that Big Mac.
crash into mcdonalds, drive off the road
Just trying to fit in at the LA Dodgers game.
LA Dodgers stadium, center field, game
Before going on the Price is Right they take your picture in front of this green screen where you can select different backgrounds. They give you a card then try to get you to buy the picture afterwords. I just saved the proof from the site. Now John and I didn't see a lot of other dudes going up there and i didn't really want to go. It was weird. But whatever, glad i did.spinning the big wheel on the price is right
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