Work Trip to Denver, Reno and LA

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Thursday, 19 August 2010 | 20:40

This was as good as a work trip can get, 4 days 7 flights in 3 cities, Denver, Reno and Rancho Cucamonga California (yes i know it's a funny name). Denver was 95 degrees but the mountains and downtown were fun to see. Here's a walkway crossing over to downtown Denver.bridge in downtown denver, walkway, architecture
In Reno i stayed downtown so at night i walked around the streets and the casino's.RENO sign, the biggest little city in the world
In the morning after work i took the rental car up the mountains a few thousand feet and had a great view of the city below.view of downtown reno, from the mountains, tree
Reno can best be summed up as a Mini Las Vegas. Instead of lots of people there's only a few hundred, instead of lots of casino's there's only about 3, instead of a main street that takes forever to walk down, the street's only a couple of blocks. But there was the same number of old fat people riding around on those motorized scooters.

The only betting i did was put $10 on MSU and the Lions to win their first games. MSU ended up winning by 24 points. We'll see how the lions first game goes.
betting line, college football, reno, spread, team, saturdaybetting line, pro football, reno, spread, team, sunday, lions
Next i flew over part of the Grand Canyon to Phoenix Arizona. It was a really clear day and i could see for at least a hundred miles.
view from plane, grand canyon, aerial, arizona
view from plane, blue lake, aerial, arizona
Downtown Phoenix
flying into downtown phoenix, stadium, airport
That flight was great until we hit some turbulence before landing and the lady behind me "filled up" at least 2 barf bags. Once again my lack of a sense of smell payed off.

I had a 2 hour lay-over then flew to California. The next day they said the high temp was 107 although the whole day my car said it was 120 outside.
120 degree temperature, california, rancho cucamonga, hot
After working i had a few hours to kill until my 11pm flight home. I tried to go for a hike in the mountains. After about a quarter mile i realized that walking up hills when it's 110 degrees and sunny isn't a good idea, so i went back. It felt like i was breathing into a hair dryer on high. So i drove around some more, saw all the smog people talk about in California and realized how much i hate doing their mandatory U-turns at lights.
I prefer "Michigan Left's."
road into california, smog, straight road, hill
But then i sat in the airport for a few hours, flew to Atlanta, had a 2 hour lay-over, then flew home and arrived at 9:30am the next morning. Except for the sitting around at airport terminals it was kind of fun.

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