New Faucet

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Friday, 12 November 2010 | 13:28

I've never really liked the faucet that was on my bathroom sink. So i finally bought a new one. It was less than $30. Here's what it originally looked to replace a bathroom sink faucet, diy, how to
After removing the faucet and the putty.
remove bathroom faucet, sink, plumbing
New plumbers putty. Not sure if this is the right way to do it but it seemed to work and the directions didn't even say to add it.
how to caulk a bathroom faucet, grout, putty, sink
The new faucet. Once again, something i see now that i should have done a long time ago.
new install, bathroom faucet, looks great, how to

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