Time for a New Coach????

Penulis : Admin Ashish Chaturevdi on Monday, 22 November 2010 | 05:03

I went to my first football game in Ann Arbor to see UofM vs Wisconsin. Of course UofM lost.

(click to see full size)
panorama, the big house, stadium, university of michigan, U of M
The stadium was huge and i was amazed at then amount of people in the streets and at the game.

final game of the year, michigan stadium
The best part was that all of the fans were cheering whenever they showed the score of the MSU vs Purdue game because MSU was down by 14. The reason is was so good was that MSU came back in the 4th quarter to win.

Here's what 20,000 depressed wolverine fans look like.
thousands of wolverine fans, crowd, stadium, UofM, maze and blue
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